Monday, December 8, 2008




In this paper we intend to present the computing technology that has a great future-DNA COMPUTING. The paper begins with an introduction to DNA COMPUTING and its origin.A brief description of DNA has been given. Adleman experiment has been discussed, which gives solution to the “ HAMILTONIAN PROBLEM” by the application of DNA COMPUTING. The salient features of DNA Computer (one that uses dna computing as its basic method of problem solving) have been mentioned. An insight into the advantages, disadvantages, applications and limitations of dna-computing has been made. Finally, the paper discusses the hurdles in its path of development at present , to make it feasible and realistic in the near future.

DNA COMPUTING is a method for solving complex problems .In this method the input as well as the output are in the form of dna. This is possible because of the physical structure of dna. The entire computation takes place in the form of a bio-chemical reaction. Different methods can be applied in order to extract the correct solution to the problem. This needs to be done because the basic manner in which the computing is performed is a bio-chemical reaction. Both the right as well as the wrong answers are obtained at the same time. Hence the seperation methods.
The current speed of innovation and new developments in the PC industry, discussed in the section on the invention of the microprocessor, is based on Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors that can be built on the same size piece of silicon will double every eighteen months. But the laws of physics suggest that this doubling cannot be sustained forever. Eventually transistors will become so tiny that their silicon components will approach the size of molecules. At these tiny distances, the dynamics of electrons are governed by the laws of quantum physics, permitting electrons to jump from one place to another without passing through the gap between, thereby causing fatal shortcuts. Consequently, physicists are looking for a successor to silicon. Below, I will summarise two principled alternatives that are currently being explored. A discussion of further options can be found in an essay by Michio Kaku.

DNA Fundamentals
DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is the molecular basis of heredity and localized especially in mostcell nucleus. DNA molecules consist of two long chains held together by complementary base pairs.
A DNA chain is a long, unbranched polymer composed of only four type subunits. These are the deoxyribonucleotides containing the bases adenine (A), cytosine(C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). The nucleotides are linked together by covalent phosphodiester bonds that join the 5’ carbon of one deoxyribose group to the 3’ carbon of the next. The four kinds of bases are attached to this repetitive sugar-phosphate chain.
The two long chains of a DNA molecule are held together by complementary base pairs. Three hydrogen bonds form between G and C, and two hydrogen bonds exist between A and T. The base-pairing mechanism is the basis for DNA replication.

As a direct consequence of the base-pairing mechanism, it becomes evident that DNA carries information by means of the linear sequence of its nucleotides. Each nucleotide-A, C, T, or G – can be considered a letter in a four-letter alphabet that is used to write our biological messages in a linear “ticker-tape” form. Organisms differ because their respective DNA molecules carry different nucleotide sequences and therefore different biological message.
A typical animal cell contains a meter of DNA (3*10⁹ Nucleotides). Written in a linear alphabet of four letters, an unusually small human gene would occupy a quarter of a page of text, while the genetic information carried in a human cell would fill a book of more than 500,000 pages.

DNA computer uses the recombinative property of dna to perform operations.The main benefit of using DNA computers to solve complex problems is that different possible solutions are created all at once. This is known as parallel processing. Humans and most electronic computers attempt to solve the problem one process at a time (linear processing). DNA itself provides the added benefits of being a cheap, energy-efficient resource.
In a different perspective, more than 10 trillion DNA molecules can fit into an area no larger than 1 cubic centimeter. With this, a DNA computer could hold 10 terabytes of data and perform 10 trillion calculations at a time.

THE ADLEMAN’S EXPERIMENT(Hamiltonian Path problem):

There is no better way to understand how something works than by going through an example step by step. So let’s solve Hamiltonian Path problem, using the DNA methods demonstrated by Adleman. The concepts are the same but the example has been simplified to make it easier to follow and present.

Suppose that I live in LA, and need to visit four cities: Houston, Chicago, Miami, and NY, with NY being my final destination. The airline I’m taking has a specific set of connecting flights that restrict which routes I can take (i.e. there is a flight from L.A. to Chicago, but no flight from Miami to Chicago). What should my itinerary be if I want to visit each city only once?

It should take you only a moment to see that there is only one route. Starting from L.A. you need to fly to Chicago, Dallas, Miami and then to N.Y. Any other choice of cities will force you to miss a destination, visit a city twice, or not make it to N.Y. For this example you obviously don’t need the help of a computer to find a solution. For six, seven, or even eight cities, the problem is still manageable. However, as the number of cities increases, the problem quickly gets out of hand. Assuming a random distribution of connecting routes, the number of itineraries you need to check increases exponentially. Pretty soon you will run out of pen and paper listing all the possible routes, and it becomes a problem for a computer...
...or perhaps DNA. The method Adleman used to solve this problem is basically the shotgun approach mentioned previously. He first generated all the possible itineraries and then selected the correct itinerary. This is the advantage of DNA. It’s small and there are combinatorial techniques that can quickly generate many different data strings. Since the enzymes work on many DNA molecules at once, the selection process is massively parallel.

Specifically, the method based on Adleman’s experiment would be as follows:

Generate all possible routes.
Select itineraries that start with the proper city and end with the final city.
Select itineraries with the correct number of cities.
Select itineraries that contain each city only once.
All of the above steps can be accomplished with standard molecular biology techniques.

Part I: Generate all possible routes
Strategy: Encode city names in short DNA sequences. Encode itineraries by connecting the city sequences for which routes exist.

DNA can simply be treated as a string of data. For example, each city can be represented by a "word" of six bases:

Los Angeles GCTACG
Chicago CTAGTA

The entire itinerary can be encoded by simply stringing together these DNA sequences that represent specific cities. For example, the route from L.A -> Chicago -> Dallas -> Miami -> New York would simply be GCTACGCTAGTATCGTACCTACGGATGCCG, or equivalently it could be represented in double stranded form with its complement sequence.

So how do we generate this? Synthesizing short single stranded DNA is now a routine process, so encoding the city names is straightforward. The molecules can be made by a machine called a DNA synthesizer or even custom ordered from a third party. Itineraries can then be produced from the city encodings by linking them together in proper order. To accomplish this you can take advantage of the fact that DNA hybridizes with its complimentary sequence. For example, you can encode the routes between cities by encoding the compliment of the second half (last three letters) of the departure city and the first half (first three letters) of the arrival city. For example the route between Miami (CTACGG) and NY (ATGCCG) can be made by taking the second half of the coding for Miami (CGG) and the first half of the coding for NY (ATG). This gives CGGATG. By taking the complement of this you get, GCCTAC, which not only uniquely represents the route from Miami to NY, but will connect the DNA representing Miami and NY by hybridizing itself to the second half of the code representing Miami (...CGG) and the first half of the code representing NY (ATG...). For example:

Random itineraries can be made by mixing city encodings with the route encodings. Finally, the DNA strands can be connected together by an enzyme called ligase. What we are left with are strands of DNA representing itineraries with a random number of cities and random set of routes. For example:

We can be confident that we have all possible combinations including the correct one by using an excess of DNA encodings, say 10^13 copies of each city and each route between cities. Remember DNA is a highly compact data format, so numbers are on our side.

Part II: Select itineraries that start and end with the correct cities
Strategy: Selectively copy and amplify only the section of the DNA that starts with LA and ends with NY by using the Polymerase Chain Reaction.

After Part I, we now have a test tube full of various lengths of DNA that encode possible routes between cities. What we want are routes that start with LA and end with NY. To accomplish this we can use a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which allows you to produce many copies of a specific sequence of DNA. PCR is an iterative process that cycles through a series of copying events using an enzyme called polymerase. Polymerase will copy a section of single stranded DNA starting at the position of a primer, a short piece of DNA complimentary to one end of a section of the DNA that you're interested in. By selecting primers that flank the section of DNA you want to amplify, the polymerase preferentially amplifies the DNA between these primers, doubling the amount of DNA containing this sequence. After many iterations of PCR, the DNA you're working on is amplified exponentially. So to selectively amplify the itineraries that start and stop with our cities of interest, we use primers that are complimentary to LA and NY. What we end up with after PCR is a test tube full of double stranded DNA of various lengths, encoding itineraries that start with LA and end with NY.

Next: Final steps
Part III: Select itineraries that contain the correct number of cities.
Strategy: Sort the DNA by length and select the DNA whose length corresponds to 5 cities.

Our test tube is now filled with DNA encoded itineraries that start with LA and end with NY, where the number of cities in between LA and NY varies. We now want to select those itineraries that are five cities long. To accomplish this we can use a technique called Gel Electrophoresis, which is a common procedure used to resolve the size of DNA. The basic principle behind Gel Electrophoresis is to force DNA through a gel matrix by using an electric field. DNA is a negatively charged molecule under most conditions, so if placed in an electric field it will be attracted to the positive potential. However since the charge density of DNA is constant (charge per length) long pieces of DNA move as fast as short pieces when suspended in a fluid. This is why you use a gel matrix. The gel is made up of a polymer that forms a meshwork of linked strands. The DNA now is forced to thread its way through the tiny spaces between these strands, which slows down the DNA at different rates depending on its length. What we typically end up with after running a gel is a series of DNA bands, with each band corresponding to a certain length. We can then simply cut out the band of interest to isolate DNA of a specific length. Since we known that each city is encoded with 6 base pairs of DNA, knowing the length of the itinerary gives us the number of cities. In this case we would isolate the DNA that was 30 base pairs long (5 cities times 6 base pairs).

Part IV: Select itineraries that have a complete set of cities
Strategy: Successively filter the DNA molecules by city, one city at a time. Since the DNA we start with contains five cities, we will be left with strands that encode each city once.

DNA containing a specific sequence can be purified from a sample of mixed DNA by a technique called affinity purification. This is accomplished by attaching the compliment of the sequence in question to a substrate like a magnetic bead. The beads are then mixed with the DNA. DNA, which contains the sequence you're after then hybridizes with the complement sequence on the beads. These beads can then be retrieved and the DNA isolated.

So we now affinity purify fives times, using a different city complement for each run. For example, for the first run we use L.A.'-beads (where the ' indicates compliment strand) to fish out DNA sequences which contain the encoding for L.A. (which should be all the DNA because of step 3), the next run we use Dallas'-beads, and then Chicago'-beads, Miami'-beads, and finally NY'-beads. The order isn’t important. If an itinerary is missing a city, then it will not be "fished out" during one of the runs and will be removed from the candidate pool. What we are left with are the are itineraries that start in LA, visit each city once, and end in NY. This is exactly what we are looking for. If the answer exists we would retrieve it at this step.

Reading out the answer
One possible way to find the result would be to simply sequence the DNA strands. However, since we already have the sequence of the city encodings we can use an alternate method called graduated PCR. Here we do a series of PCR amplifications using the primer corresponding to L.A., with a different primer for each city in succession. By measuring the various lengths of DNA for each PCR product we can piece together the final sequence of cities in our itinerary. For example, we know that the DNA itinerary starts with LA and is 30 base pairs long, so if the PCR product for the LA and Dallas primers was 24 base pairs long, you know Dallas is the fourth city in the itinerary (24 divided by 6). Finally, if we were careful in our DNA manipulations the only DNA left in our test tube should be DNA itinerary encoding LA, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, and NY. So if the succession of primers used is LA & Chicago, LA & Miami, LA & Dallas, and LA & NY, then we would get PCR products with lengths 12, 18, 24, and 30 base pairs.

1. By DNA computing, people can get and analyze the information of materials. Through DNA computing, we can find all the genes in the DNA sequence and to develop tools for using this information in the study of some fields, such as biology, medicine biology, physics, and so on. The team from HP and U.C.L.A. has found a way to build circuits using chemical processes, making the switches as small as a molecule. Tim Gardner, a graduate student at Boston University, recently made a genetic system that can store a single bit of information—either a 1 or a 0.
2. More parallel: for some problem too big to fit or run in a silicon machine, DNA computer, which be with pure parallel power or massive memory, will be able to do a computation quickly than a powerful supercomputer.
3. By creating DNA computing, some fields are combined together to reach a desirable goal, by the way, this is improving those fields and some new fields come out.
A lot of research has been going on in this field and here is description of two softwares based on the concept of DNA computing and this idea of implementing the idea on DNA Computing in sotwares is called Soft Molecular Computing.

EDNA, integrated software platform
This software takes advantage of digital computers to gain realistic insights on actual test tube performance of a protocol before they are carried out in the lab. Basically the idea is to test whether a particular problem is feasible if carried out in lab. EDNA is object oriented and extensible, so that it can easily evolve as the field progresses. EDNA includes graphical interfaces and click-and-drag facilities to enable easy use.

A CYBERCYCLER has been constructed to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of DNA based computation. The implemented transformation modules in the software are melting, hybridization, polymerization, ligation and CYBERGEL output. The CYBERCYCLER was originally written in C++ and its transformation modules are in the process of being converted to Java classes.

DNA Steganography
The idea of DNA Computing can also be used in the field of security for data transmission. The idea is very simple.
 First convert the alphabets into combination of four nucleotides.
 Create a strand of DNA based on that code
 This piece of DNA is placed in the middle plus short marker sequences at the ends of the message.
 The encoded piece of DNA is then placed into a piece of human DNA and is then mixed with other DNA strands.
 The mixture is then dried on to paper that can be cutup into microdots with each dot containing billions of strands of DNA.
 The key to decrypting the message lies in knowing which markers on each end of the DNA are the correct ones.
DNA Authentication
Taiwan introduced the world's first DNA authentication chip. Inside the chip is synthesized DNA, which can be identified by a device similar to an identification card or a credit card reader. The synthesized DNA inside the chip generates DNA signals which only the company's readers can detect and authenticate.
Disadvantages and limitations of DNA Computing:
1. Slow: algorithms proposed so far use really slow molecular-biological operations. Each primitive operation takes hours when you run them with a small test tube of DNA. Scale up to the vast amounts of DNA we're talking about, and they may slow down dramatically.
2. Hydrolysis: the DNA molecules can fracture. Over the six months you're computing, your DNA system is gradually turning to water. DNA molecules can break – meaning a DNA molecule, which was part of your computer, is fracture by time.
3. Unreliable: every operation you want to do in your DNA computer is random. The components in the DNA computer are probabilistic. Because there are some noisy components, the computing sometimes is not reliable. If a tiny subcircuit is supposed to give the answer "1," it may yield that answer 90 percent of the time and "0" the rest of the time. To make DNA computing work, we have to figure out how to build a reliable computer out of noisy components.
4. Not transmittable: the model of the DNA computer is concerned as a highly parallel computer, with each DNA molecule acting as a separate process or. In a standard multiprocessor a Connection-buses transmit information from one processor to the next. But the problem of transmitting information from one molecule to another in a DNA computer has yet to be solved. Current DNA algorithms compute successfully without passing any information, but this limits their flexibility.
5. Not practical: DNA computing is not a here and now practical technology. It just is a pie-in-the-sky research project.
6. No generality: Some concrete algorithms are just for solving some concrete problems. Every algorithm has some constraints on it.
Though DNA –COMPUTING is a method to solve very complex problems, at least on paper, its very difficult to realize it with the technology available today. More research and study has to be made in this field to make it a reality in the near future. If it happens so, then the present silicon technology would be replaced by dna, which itself has the capacity of storing data and can solve problems. We can expect this to happen ,if we really desire to have a computer which is far ahead of the ones’ we use today. Thus this is one of the fields that has a bright future and wider applications .
“If the purpose of life is to process information stored in DNA, then trying to perfect DNA computing, in a sense, we are trying to create life.”

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