Monday, December 8, 2008


DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA computing, in the literal sense, is the use of DNA molecules, the molecules which encode genetic information for all living things, in computers. A DNA computing is basically a collection of specially selected DNA strands that combinations will result in the solution to some problem. Instead of using figures and formulae to solve a problem, that microscopic computer's input, output and software are made up of DNA molecules. DNA computers will be capable of storing billions of times more data DNA computers will be capable of storing billions of times more data. Since the DNA molecule is also a code, but instead made up of a sequence of four bases which pair up in a predictable manner, scientists believe in the possibility for using it as a molecular computer.

Although too simple to have any immediate applications, it could form the basis of a DNA computer in the future that could potentially operate with in human cells and act as a monitoring device to detect disease-causing changes. The DNA computer which is a molecular model of one of the simplest computing machines -- the automation which can answer certain yes or no questions.


DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) computing is a very young branch of science that started less than a decade ago, when Leonard Adleman of the University of Southern California pioneered the field by using DNA in a test tube to solve a mathematical problem. Scientists around the globe are now trying to marry computer technology and biology by using nature's own design to process information.
DNA computing, in the literal sense, is the use of DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) molecules, the molecules which encode genetic information for all living things, in computers. This is accomplished in a suspended solution of DNA, where certain combinations of DNA molecules are interpreted as a particular result to a problem encoded in the original molecules present.

DNA structure
A DNA computing is basically a collection of specially selected DNA strands that combinations will result in the solution to some problem. Technology is currently available both to select the initial strands and to filter the final solution. The promise of DNA computing is massive parallelism: with a given setup and enough DNA, one can potentially solve huge problems by parallel search. This can be much faster than a conventional computer, for which massive parallelism would require large amount of hardware, not simply more DNA.
Instead of using figures and formulae to solve a problem, that microscopic computer's input, output and software are made up of DNA molecules. A nanoscale computer made of bio-molecules that are so small that you can't run them one at a time. When a trillion computers run together they can perform a billion operations.
DNA computers will be capable of storing billions of times more data (say, at a density of 1 bit per cubic nanometer -- a trillion times less space) than your personal computer. Scientists are using genetic material to create nano-computers that might take the place of silicon-based computers in the next decade. The double heliex molecule that contains human genes stores data on four chemical bases -- known by the letters A,T,C and G -- giving it massive memory capability that scientists are only just beginning to tap into.

The living cells contain incredible molecular machines that manipulate information-encoding molecules such as DNA and RNA (its chemical cousin) in ways that are fundamentally very similar to computation. Data is represented by pairs of molecules on a strand of DNA and two naturally occurring enzymes act as the hardware to read copy and manipulate the code. When it is all mixed together in the test tube, the software and hardware operate on the input molecule to create the output.


All computers is use today make use of binary code -1's and 0's, or one’s and offs on the circuits of a computer chip, forming the basis for every calculation a computer performs, from simple addition to the solution of the most complex differential equations. Since the DNA molecule is also a code, but instead made up of a sequence of four bases which pair up in a predictable manner, scientists believe in the possibility for using it as a molecular computer. However, rather than relying on the position of electronic switches on a microchip, much faster reactions of DNA nucleotides binding with their complements, a brute force method that would indeed work.


Computer chip manufactures are racing to make the next microprocessor that will topple speed records. This competition is bound to hit a wall. Microprocessors made of silicon will eventually reach their limits of speed and miniaturization. Chip makes need a new material to produce faster computing speeds.
The new material that has been found to build the next generation of microprocessors is DNA molecules. Millions of natural supercomputers exist inside living organisms, including your body. DNA molecules, the material our genes are made of, have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than the world's most powerful human-build computers. DNA might one day be integrated into a computer chip to create a so-called biochip that wills puts computers even faster. DNA molecules have already been harnessed to perform complex mathematical problems.
Logic gates play a vital role of how your computer carries out functions that you command it to do. These gates convert binary code moving through the computer into a series of signals that the computer user to perform operations. These gates interpret input signals from silicon transistors, and convert those signals into a out signal that allows the computer to perform complex functions.
The DNA logic gates are the fist step toward creating a computer that has a structure similar to that of an electronic PC. Instead of using electrical signals of perform logical operations, these DNA logic gates rely on DNA code. They detect fragments of genetic material as input, splice together these fragments and form a single output. For instance, a genetic gate called the "And gate" links two DNA inputs by chemically binding them so they're locked in an end-to end structure similar to the way two Legos might be fastened by a third Lego between them. The researchers believe that these logic gates might be combined with DNA microchips to create a breakthrough in DNA computing.


DNA computer components -- logic gates and biochips -- will take years to develop into practical, workable DNA computers. If such a computer is ever building, scientists say tat it will be more compacting, accurate and efficient than conventional computers.
As computer chips get faster and smaller, we are quickly approaching their physical speed limits. But researchers recently previewed a whole new era of advanced computing-- and the key is using molecules themselves. With strands of synthetic DNA they were able to create a crude molecular computer "chip” made of small glass plate covered with a thin layer of gold. Strands of DNA were coded represent solutions to a computational problem with 16 possible answers. Enzymes were then applied to the gold slide to strp out the entire DNA with incorrect answers, thus solving the calculation.

First and foremost, DNA computing is useful because it has a capacity lacked by all current electronics-based computers: its massively parallel nature. Essentially while DNA can only carry out computations slowly, DNA computers can perform a staggering number of calculations simultaneously; specifically, on the order of 10^9 calculations per mL of DNA per second! This capability of multiple co temporal calculations immediately lends itself to several classes of problems which a modern electronic computer could never even approach solving. To give you an idea of the difference in time, a calculation that would take 10^22 modern computers working in parallel to complete in the span of one human's life would take one DNA computer only 1 year to polish off!
There are several advantages to using DNA instead of silicon:
• As long as there are cellular organisms, there will always be a supply of DNA.
• The large supply of DNA makes it a cheap resource.
• Unlike the toxic materials used to make traditional microprocessors, DNA biochips can be made cleanly.
• DNA computers are many times smaller than today's computers
• DNA computers will be capable of storing billions of times more data (say, at a density of 1 bit per cubic nanometer -- a trillion times less space) than your personal computer.
• The DNA computer has very low energy consumption, so if it is put inside the cell it would not require much energy to work.
• Using DNA logic gates the DNA computers will be more powerful than the world's most powerful supercomputer.
• DNA computers perform calculations parallel to other calculations


Although too simple to have any immediate applications, it could form the basis of a DNA computer in the future that could potentially operate with in human cells and act as a monitoring device to detect disease-causing changes. The model could also form the basis of computer that could be used to screen DNA libraries in parallel without sequencing each module.
The DNA computer which is a molecular model of one of the simplest computing machines -- the automation which can answer certain yes or no questions. As the technology is still in development phase the application level of these DNA computers are still made to solve complex mathematical problems. One of the problems which the DNA computer made to solve is Traveling Salesman Problem.
The goal of the problem is to find the shortest route between a number of cities, going through each city only once. As more number of cities increases the problem becomes more difficult. Adelman the inventor of DNA computer chose to find the shortest route between seven cities.
As the traditional computer has to crunch through all possibilities one at a time the DNA computer using the deoxyribonucleic acid ploughs through all the combinations more or less simultaneously. The trick lies in creating the right set of DNA strands to start the process, and then weeding out the wrong answers. The success proves that DNA can be used to calculate complex mathematical problems. It is parallel computing that allows DNA to solve the complex mathematical problems. However this is far from challenging silicon-based computers in terms of speed. The goal of DNA computing field is to create a device that can work independent of human involvement.
The future applications of DNA computers are more likely to center around cracking secret codes and mapping airline routes than running word processing programmers and sending e-mail.

Software for representing Architecture of genes in DNA: Waltz algorithm is used to represent DNA architecture, Decoding DNA structure to strings of bits and for encoding the result in bits to DNA structures.
Some high level language like C and C++ can be used to manipulate gene code and fitness of offspring is calculated using Fitness function. These High Level Language use Heuristic search Techniques for generating fitness function.

C++ code for Genetic Algorithm


Currently, molecular computing is a field with a great deal of potential, but few results of practical value. In the wake of Adleman's solution of the Hamiltonian path problem, there came a host of other articles on computation with DNA; however, most of them were purely theoretical. While it currently exists only in theory, it's possible that in the years to come computers based on the work of Adleman, Lipton, and others will come to replace traditional silicon-based machines.
However, as work continues in this exciting area, molecular computers may impress us once again and challenge the dominance of electronic systems in solving even more types of problems. After all, the DNA based system of computation has had millions of years to evolve and perfect itself, while man-made systems have only existed for a small fraction of this span. It is an impressive computer indeed that can spend eons producing new and varied organisms through trial and error until it finally finds a solution - the intelligent species we call human beings. The computers of tomorrow are on the threshold.

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